Jackson Taylor Robertson was born on 12/22/08 at 6:21pm. He weighed 8lbs 2oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. He took his time coming out but he is here now! Rachel is doing great. Allison is so excited to have a baby brother. I am afraid she is in for a rude awakening when she can't push him around in her baby stroller or change his clothes and diapers a million times like she does her baby dolls!
Allison was at the hospital all day yesterday waiting for Jackson and she learned a lot. When my dad went up to visit she gave him the tour of the room and told him what everything was. I am sure she will have some wonderful (and detailed) stories for her kindergarten class next year! Allison was able to help give Jackson his first bath and even helped change a diaper. She hasn't asked about the "boy parts" but she doesn't like the umbilical cord. She doesn't know what to think of it I guess.
Here are some pictures of my first nephew!!!
He is beautiful and I can't wait to see him! We are leaving tonight to head to TN for Christmas. I will get plenty of time with Allison and Jackson! I am going to be the best aunt ever!!!!
Thanks for posting pictures. Uncle Ed has already sent us 2 batches of pictures. Jackson is a beautiful baby. Congratulations to all of you. Have a safe drive to your parents and have a Merry Christmas.
He is BEAUTIFUL!! What a Christmas blessing =o)
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