Me and My Husband

Me and My Husband

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Jackson Taylor Robertson

He is finally here!!!

Jackson Taylor Robertson was born on 12/22/08 at 6:21pm. He weighed 8lbs 2oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. He took his time coming out but he is here now! Rachel is doing great. Allison is so excited to have a baby brother. I am afraid she is in for a rude awakening when she can't push him around in her baby stroller or change his clothes and diapers a million times like she does her baby dolls!

Allison was at the hospital all day yesterday waiting for Jackson and she learned a lot. When my dad went up to visit she gave him the tour of the room and told him what everything was. I am sure she will have some wonderful (and detailed) stories for her kindergarten class next year! Allison was able to help give Jackson his first bath and even helped change a diaper. She hasn't asked about the "boy parts" but she doesn't like the umbilical cord. She doesn't know what to think of it I guess.

Here are some pictures of my first nephew!!!

Jackson Taylor Robertson

The whole Robertson Family!

Mom, Jackson, and Big Sister

Dad & Big sister holding Jackson

Jackson and Grandmomma

Jackson and Granddaddy

Allison washing Jackson's hair

Allison helping with Jackson's first bath

Allison checking his heartbeat

He is beautiful and I can't wait to see him! We are leaving tonight to head to TN for Christmas. I will get plenty of time with Allison and Jackson! I am going to be the best aunt ever!!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas in our new house!

This is our first Christmas in our new house. Derrick and I have had a great time decorating and trying to find a place for everything. We have a lot more room in this house than we did in our house in TN.

This is our first year to go and cut our Christmas tree down ourselves. We went to a tree farm with mom and dad the weekend after Thanksgiving. We found the perfect tree. We took it home and it took us a few days to decorate it. It looks beautiful now! We have found that a "northern" tradition is to not have any presents under the tree and Santa brings them all on Christmas Eve. So our neighbors have all been over to our house and all the kids have questioned why we have presents under the tree. We have had to explain to them that since we don't have little kids at our house, Santa doesn't come so we buy all the presents for other people. They seem a little confused but shake their head and said "oh, ok!" We have also been asked if those are real presents! What do they mean by that?? Do people put fake presents under their tree??? It is such a learning experience. You would think we live in a different country sometimes!

Well, next week we are heading back to TN for Christmas. I can't wait to get back and see all the family. Rachel should have Jackson by the time I get home so I am excited to meet him!

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!
This is our first tree in Ohio!

This was the picture we used for our Christmas cards this year

New ornament! Makes me think of Ohio and all the snow we get

Favorite new ornament!

New ornament from our recent trip to Gatlinburg

Derrick and I- we also debated about using this one for our Christmas cards

Monday, December 1, 2008


This has been a great weekend. My mom and dad came up on Tuesday and stayed through Sunday. It was a wonderful Thanksgiving with them here. Mom and I cooked the turkey and all the trimmings while dad and Derrick went and played frisbee golf at the park. Dinner was wonderful. Everything came out perfect! We had fun sitting and talking all night.

I had to work on Friday but mom and Derrick got up at 4:00 and went shopping! Neither one of them have ever gone shopping on Black Friday! They had a good time though. By the time I got off of work, they were all exhausted from shopping all day. Saturday dad and Derrick went shopping for a little bit and then when back to the park and played more frisbee golf. It wasn't until the end of their last game that dad told Derrick what he was doing wrong. I think that was dad's plan all along!! :) Mom and I went shopping and I got lots of good Christmas presents! That night we met up in Gahanna (the city where I work) and we watched the Christmas parade. In Gahanna they do one at night and all the floats are decorated with Christmas lights. It was neat to see a nighttime parade but we froze our tails off!!

Sunday morning we got up and drove out to Granville and cut down our first Ohio Christmas tree!!! :) We all 4 went to a tree farm and found the perfect tree and cut it down. Mom and dad even got an Ohio tree to take back to TN! It was fun searching through all the million trees for the perfect one and cutting it down. That was the first time that Derrick and I have cut down our tree. We loved it!!

I can't wait to get off work today so we can go home and decorate it. It was too wet yesterday (did i mention that we cut down our tree in the rain???).

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for. I have a wonderful husband, great parents, a great family (on both sides), brother and sister who I love, a niece that I adore, a job, a beautiful home, tons of wonderful...I could go on and on. I hope you all have just as much to be thankful for.