Me and My Husband

Me and My Husband

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Weekend wth Grammy!

This past weekend Derrick's mother came to visit us in Ohio. She flew in on Friday evening and stayed through Sunday afternoon. It was nice having her in town and showing her around Columbus. Saturday we got up and we took her around and showed her our lot where we are going to be building. Then we took her out to the model home and showed her the model of the floorplan we choose. She really liked it and she liked the idea of all the extra rooms so she can come and visit us! Then we went to Jeffersonville and went shopping at the outlet mall out there. It is a huge outlet mall. We spent 6 hours there and didn't even make it through half of all the stores. We did some damage and got some good deals! If I am lucky, Derrick will take me back out there tomorrow so we can finish the rest of the stores!
Max loved playing with Debby and waking her up every morning. I think deep down inside she loves Max too, even though she is a cat person!
We hoped she could stay longer since I am off work Monday and Tuesday but she had to get back to work.
Debby, thanks for coming to visit us! We love you and you are welcome back anytime you want to come!

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